The Tax Payers League is concerned about the peoples right to know, so we have determined that we should "come out punching". Things have been swept under the rug or hushed up around here long enough. We shall write with a no holds barred approach. Our subjects of how our tax dollars are being spent, the justice system, our elected officials, bureaucrats, and other matters will be straight forward and true. We want to keep our newsletters going out to all of the citizens of Eureka County. Ink, paper, and postage are the TPL's greatest expenses. Even if you do not wish to join the league, but would like to contribute to our cause, your help will be greatly appreciated. Any donations will be kept strictly confidential unless you specify otherwise. All that you read on these pages is documented, no half truth, no gossip, no bull, JUST THE FACTS. Select a newsletter or letter to read from the list on the left. |
- © 2001 Eureka County Nevada Tax Payers League - All rights reserved.
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