Eureka County Nevada Tax Payers League |
Just the Facts - March 2001 Page Two |
GREAT BASIN NATIONAL HERITAGE AREA, HAS IT REALLY GONE AWAY? At a public hearing in February one would have thought that was the case. However, we must keep our guard up as this is not an issue that is just going to vanish. Watch closely, for there are those who are politically aligned and politically correct and who believe they are invincible. Do you ever get tired of those that think that they are better and smarter than you, just because? In a document dated September 28, 2000, former commissioner Sandy Green is named as the person to be hired as the coordinator of the GBNHA for Eureka County. In the same document the Eureka Economic Development Corporation pledges $3,000.00 and six months office space to the GBNHA in kind. This document is signed by the very same person that stated "this program will not cost the county anything", Ms. Tonya Harvey. Keep the faith my fellow citizens. We the people do not have to lay down for this sort of thing, just because. ********************************** Access Air Benefit For TPL Members.
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